Thursday, November 12, 2009


I've been trying unsuccessfully for months to start learning how to program. At long last, here I go...
I've been testing the waters a bit with C++, Java, and C. I have to say that I like C best. It just makes sense to me, but I also have nil experience in this field. The idea of programming is very interesting. Practically anything is possible. I have lots of ideas on things I'd like to see/play/use and one day would like to be able to construct them myself.
With the current Opensource movement (it seems like a movement), I have plenty of options to test myself as I learn. Google Wave, Android, and Facebook have decent APIs just to list a few. Give them a look.
There's so much I have to learn before that...


Monday, November 2, 2009

Games are supposed to be fun, not break the bank account.

At long last, Command & Conquer has made its way to the iPhone Appstore (link). Imagine my continued dismay when I saw the $9.99 price tag. I should qualify that a bit... I love games, especially games I can play anywhere, but I am continually disappointed when "The Big Publishers" price their apps so high. My personal stance is that a game for a mobile platform better be really freaking amazing for $9.99. I hope to avoid this with our apps. Affordable fun for the Masses!
Rant: They could probably achieve the same, if not better, fiscal results by pricing the app cheaper (3.99ish) and having "true" expansions for $0.99, not just maps you couldn't work into the campaign mode.
I may try this on a sale week, if they ever have one.
