Thursday, November 12, 2009


I've been trying unsuccessfully for months to start learning how to program. At long last, here I go...
I've been testing the waters a bit with C++, Java, and C. I have to say that I like C best. It just makes sense to me, but I also have nil experience in this field. The idea of programming is very interesting. Practically anything is possible. I have lots of ideas on things I'd like to see/play/use and one day would like to be able to construct them myself.
With the current Opensource movement (it seems like a movement), I have plenty of options to test myself as I learn. Google Wave, Android, and Facebook have decent APIs just to list a few. Give them a look.
There's so much I have to learn before that...


Monday, November 2, 2009

Games are supposed to be fun, not break the bank account.

At long last, Command & Conquer has made its way to the iPhone Appstore (link). Imagine my continued dismay when I saw the $9.99 price tag. I should qualify that a bit... I love games, especially games I can play anywhere, but I am continually disappointed when "The Big Publishers" price their apps so high. My personal stance is that a game for a mobile platform better be really freaking amazing for $9.99. I hope to avoid this with our apps. Affordable fun for the Masses!
Rant: They could probably achieve the same, if not better, fiscal results by pricing the app cheaper (3.99ish) and having "true" expansions for $0.99, not just maps you couldn't work into the campaign mode.
I may try this on a sale week, if they ever have one.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

PAX cometh.

Penny Arcade is finally bringing PAX to the East Coast. Check it out. Sign up now before tickets are sold out.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sketchbook Mobile

While I don't have an abundance of natural talent at sketching, painting, drawing, etc, I enjoy trying and have accepted the fact that the quality of my art will always be lacking. Creating art is just plain fun. Cavemen did it, and anyone who has ever been a student has paid their doodling dues. The folks at Autodesk have released an amazingly good mobile version of Sketchbook Pro for the iPhone, aptly named Autodesk Sketchbook Mobile. The full version (iTunes link) is only $2.99 and more than worth it, but there's even a simpler "Lite" version (iTunes link) available.

Having said that, it does have at least one shortcoming. There's no basic shape tools; I really really want these. I enjoy sketching things with sharp corners(machines, buildings, etc) and I'm no Giotto when it comes to circles either. My fingers are crossed that Autodesk will release an update adding these tools.

Some things I've done...

Friday, October 2, 2009


The official FuzzyFuzzkin blog! Literally anything could happen here... seriously. Meteor strikes, economic collapse, swarms of angry beez... but mostly about games, gaming, game design, game art, game reviews, game industry news, you get the idea...

Thursday, October 1, 2009